Love your land and your linens

My business over the past several years has in many ways been about helping people to find home within their body, physically, psychologically, and emotionally. As I think about our political climate, and relationship to the environment, I feel inspired to expand the work I do beyond the body, and into a greater understanding of where we find home. This is not a new line of questioning for me, it goes back many years to my undergraduate work, and my childhood, it's just that at the present moment, I can't seem to this put this questioning down. The problems we face politically and environmentally aren't going anywhere, they require deep thinking and hard work. For my own part, I am striving to truly embrace and accept where I live as home. That means living with it, being a part of it, and learning from it. In this adventure, you will see Francesca and I use pokeweed from our land to dye some hand towels that needed refreshing. 

Bear with me as I learn edit and use this medium,...

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Why Pilates?

I gravitate to Pilates, kind of like when you meet that one friend in middle school, that you just know is going to be your best friend forever. I don’t tire or get bored of Pilates, and I know it works. It has worked for me not only as a means of staying fit and toned, but it has help me to develop my intuition, become a more mindful mother and citizen of the world, heal physically from various accidents, as well as heal emotionally from trauma. In times that have felt disjointed, Pilates helped to create harmony.

There is a Navajo concept called Hozhö, that also speaks of harmony.  It is a way of living, a choice to create beauty and balance with our actions as we move through life. The modernized and industrialized world we live in has created a lifestyle that is out of balance. We live unsustainably, well beyond the ecological context of our bodies and the environment. This imbalance weighs on my mind perpetually, and as I try to think of ways to address it, I am...

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Mother Containers


The more I grow into motherhood, the more I understand that as parents we are here to hold space~ to be containers for our children’s experiences. While the whole of this parenting journey has been utterly amazing so far, at six, there has been exponential personality development. I love watching my daughter expresses her uniqueness. Just to observe her dance feels like a revelation, as I watch her Spirit speak through her movements. I hear her stories of friendships and heartaches, and feel her struggle with learning new things. While I know that I am here to guide her, I also see how important it is, each time she finds personal victory in her own understanding of herself. When I feel the busyness and ‘to dos’ encroaching, I like to drop back. I imagine myself as a conductor. I listen to the space, the environment we are in, the tones~ of the moments we are creating together, and I remember I am a container for her. When I listen to the music of the moment, with...

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This is you're starting place...

a series of step by step videos to lay a beautiful foundation for your new house. Learn techniques to relax the hips, protect the lower back, strengthen your core, support your neck, address tight hamstrings and keep your shoulders aligned. 

"The Mind when housed within a healthful body possesses a glorious sense of power." - Joseph Pilates